non netE
A World Beyond Territory
Subtítulo del video: "337500 km de extension del río Ucayali; 166+ comunidades shipibo-konibo-xetebo; se juntan en una sola nación en un territorio unificado"
Shipibo self-determination involves the reclamation of a world radically disabled by colonialism and constantly eroded by capitalist exploitation, and the regeneration of a new one. That world is Non Nete.

The Peruvian State officially recognizes with juridical personhood 132 Shipibo-Konibo communities, out of the 176 identified on the database of the Minister of Culture. Only 120 are also granted with title, often corresponding to just a small portion of the customary territory at stake. Coshikox the representative body of the Shipibo-Konibo-Xetebo People states that despite titling of communities has been a strategic goal of the Indigenous federations and many NGOs, in this form in fact breaks up the territory and the population overshadowing existing local governance structures and networks of exchange and diminishing the possibility of self-determination.
Non Nete
The equivalent of a regional unit in the lived Shipibo cosmology is a cuenca, a unit based on the flow of water into and around oxbow lakes and may be translated as a river basin. The world of water is called Jene Nete. In Shipibo cosmovision the different worlds are interdependent but separate. Humans cannot live without water, but they cannot live in water either. Water is its own world that helps form Non Nete. Cuencas are crucial features of Jene Nete in the Ucayali. As described in the section below on the River, the Ucayali is one of the most dynamic rivers in the world, shape shifting, flooding, meandering and narrowing and widening, both on its own and as a result of human interventions. Fluid adaptation to the movements and flows has shaped the core of Shipibo lifeways centered around a number of recognized cuencas and lakes: Utuqunia, Calleria, Pisqui, Pachitea, Sinuya, Aguaytia, Tamaya, Abujao, Yarina and Imiria.
A mighty, snaking river, the Ucayali meanders and curves through approximately 2670 km of Andean hillside and Amazonian rainforest before joining the Marañon River to become the Amazon River. Flowing south to north, from its headwaters in Arequipa, the Ucayali is one of the most dynamic rivers in the world. This makes for a complex ecology of dynamic adaptation and change that renders attempts at static mapping and geological control absurd. Centered around the idea of visualizing the river as a living being, a powerful crawling snake, rather than a static line, the Non Nete mapping initiative lends the spiritual understanding of river ecology and fluvial liveliness a political life too.