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in residence
The Shipibo Conibo Center acts like an Amazonian melody reaching the Global North. Its tune means to echo through collective consciousness, in a moment of general hallucination.
It aims inwards, like a medicine, with intention to heal traumas (colonialism, extractivism and capitalism have inflicted) by unraveling the convulsion and replacing it with orderly patterns.
The Shipibo Conibo Center promotes collaborations and curatorial research aimed to break the colonial paradigms that keep indigenous art separate from the contemporary art setting. In tune with the Shipibo understanding of the artist as a healer, we support work whose production and exhibition is intertwined with the restoration of spiritual and political health. We think of healing as it pertains to collective causes: environmental struggles, future political equality, labor politics, and multiform iterations of social malaise.
At our West Harlem headquarters, we offer free accommodation to Indigenous artists and activists that are brought to NYC for their practice. Please reach out by email for more informations.
2023/2024 RESIDENTS
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