from the Quechua mink'a
a lifeway in collectivity
a reciprocity practice
community work repaid with the sharing of food
an exchange of time, experience, art, and labor
an action of demonstration
a work-party
​​Since 2017, the Shipibo Conibo Center hosts every year the minga, an event parallel to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UNPFII.
Indigenous leaders, artist, and activist have come together for an evening of art, music, food and conversation centered around the struggle for Indigenous autonomy.
Over the various editions, the event featured screenings and performances by numerous Indigenous artists, activists, and collectives, including:
Guardia Indigena Shipibo
New Red Order
Black Gotham
Save Harlem Now
Donna Couteau & Joe Cross (Leaf Arrow)
Maria Humpfield and Coco Cafe with the Indigenous Womens Collective NYC
​Ñani Migrante Transnational project
In 2024 the event included a Parallel Walk, in collaboration with Creative Time.